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Denied Doctor Mobuis Application

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Roleplay Name: Doctor Mobius

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63404701

Age: 21

Do you have a microphone? Yes, Corsair Headset

What timezone are you in? CST

What times are you active on the server? 0700-1200, 1600-0300

How long have you been playing TDRP? Since Early 2013, 1912 total hours, most of them spent on ThatDarkRPServer.

Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects.
I've been donator admin on TDRP quite a few times and have many hours of playtime. Some may have the memory of me being an asshole on this server, but i hope this does not deter my consideration for the role as I truly miss the server and would like to see it improve. I'm excited to see the server making a resurgence and I would like to assist in moderating during the slow hours of the night, when an admin typically isnt available. I also have moderator experience on 2 Flood servers, which I am still involved in, and I was also temporarily an admin on the "Serious TTT" servers.
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