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Implement Anti-Cheat on the Server

There are several suspected active cheaters on the server, and an alarming number of them are not dealt with. The main reason for this is because moderators need proof to punish people for cheating, and proof is difficult to obtain in these cases. This is because some cheaters have the ability to know when a moderator is spectating them. This makes it impossible for moderators to know for sure that someone they suspect of cheating is really cheating. The cheater would have to knowingly cheat while being spectated for them to be caught this way.

Just to be clear, there are no other ways to definitively prove someone is cheating on the server unless a moderator spectates them, as I stated above.

I'm doing research myself into finding an effective anti-cheat system. I will edit the thread once I find a good one.

EDIT: contacting Nota about it was all my "research" really was lol
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SimpLAC or CAC are both the most effective and will not catch my cheats to it's useless to try.
You can also try screengrabbing but my cheat will also return a clear video/screenshot unless chams are used.

Implement an anticheat and screengrab for noob cheats though that don't have these things and the server will have less cheaters.


New member
The best ways to go about implementing a way to catch more cheaters would be both a manual & automatic method.

Staff team members that would be trusted with the ability to spectate should use: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=559017762&searchtext=fspectate

https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/4976 -SimpLAC with https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/3642 -SwiftAC could be a potential good combo, I can't vouch for how well they would fare though.

There is also an option that is non-premium that will catch many LUA based cheats but not anything past that: https://github.com/moderndx/Modern-Anti-Cheat

The most effective way to go about it would have something flag potential suspicious activity to staff through an @ chat notification, then staff could manually spectate them.

There's no way to catch everyone, that's why implementing something like https://github.com/C0nw0nk/Garrys-Mod-Family-Sharing set to ban any associated accounts for anyone that has been caught & previously banned on any family shared account could work wonders. It would force them to appeal or rebuy Garry's Mod.

Yes, Garry's Mod is an extremely cheap game and caught cheaters can keep buying copies but, hey, at least you can force them to keep spending their actual hard earned cash for further copies so they can keep returning to cheat some more.

The main thing here is, no anti-cheat will catch the good cheaters but can help point you in the right direction for the sloppier ones. They can only be caught by staff intervention, and staff intervention alone.
