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Prop Health Explained

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Head Management
Prop Health
Before the launch, I had the idea of adding prop health to the gameplay. Everyone who had input on the idea agreed that it would make things interesting, specifically raiding. With the prop health system, the future goal is to be less reliant on building rules to let everyone be creative in how they want to design their bases.

How Does it Work?
Just as it sounds, props now have health. To view a props health, simply look at it. On the left hand side of your screen, the health will display like this. Props will lose health only from explosive and rocket damage. BETA NOTE: Each damage type is scaled, and we will definitely need to play around with the damage scales to perfect this system.

When a prop starts to lose health, it'll begin to go transparent. Like the prop on the right in this picture:

When a props health fully hits 0, it'll go almost completely transparent, like the picture below. Along with going nearly completely transparent, collisions will be disabled and players will be able to walk through the disabled prop, allowing players to force their way into a base.

Repairing Props
After the raid is over, the base owner is left with a bunch of disabled props. To fix this, simply use a Prop Repair Wrench on the disabled props. Currently, everyone spawns with this weapon for testing purposes. With each hit of the Prop Repair Wrench, 200 HP is restored on a prop.

Plasma Cutter
Along with weapons dealing damage to props, there's a new special weapon as well, the Plasma Cutter. Using it is simple, simply walk up to a prop and keep clicking Primary Fire on your mouse. You'll watch the props health decrease with every cut. While in beta, Thief and Skilled Thief classes spawn with this weapon. Currently, every cut deals 50 damage.

Prop Selection
To make sure that prop health makes sense, prop health is restricted to building props in the spawn menu. Health is based on a 1x1 plate and then increased depending on its size. For example, in this picture. The 1x1 plate on the left has 100 health. The 1x2 plate on the right has 200 health. Each plates health is based on its size multiplied by 100. There's a current cap of 2400 on an individual prop's health. Now, this doesn't mean that you can't build with anything other than the building props. You can still build with any prop that's allowed on the server, but any other prop that's not specified in our Building Props menu will have a prop health of 100 by default.

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