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  1. Dope

    Base Raiding - Your Input Please

    This visual provided a much better understanding for me. The props, in the end, would all end up with the same health value, so, therefore, stacking more or props would do nothing except take room in your prop list.
  2. Dope

    Base Raiding - Your Input Please

    Personally, I would much rather prefer the Prop Damage option over the plasma clutter. I just feel like the prop damage fits more into TDRPs style of gameplay. However, as Zailo and Dylan already stated people would stack props, once again making the process very tedious. What about something...
  3. Dope


    How could I ever forget the iconic Zailo stealing my snowball RPG. Good looks my guy
  4. Dope

    It's Evolution

    I don't think I've ever met you/played with you. But I like rude assholes. Makes two of us.
  5. Dope


    Nice to meet ya
  6. Dope

    Welcome Back

    Glad to see another try. Hopefully, it is as successful and fun as it once was.
