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Suggestions I (As of 1/13/19)


New member
1. Suggestion: Voting Booth
Description: A inspiration based off Runescape's poll booth.
The Voting Booth will have people vote what should be added, removed, or tweaked towards the next update of the server
or vote on random polls set by staff and Gold Members. They will be ordered in important tabs and player-made polls. Only people who played at least a couple days on the server will be able to vote on these booths.

2. Suggestion: Increase the salary of jobs and starting cash.
Description: New members will not be able to play on the server with the limited cash they currently have. Increasing to at least 5k to 20k would be a slightly better start for new players.

3. Suggestion: Place the Order Manager in the bank spawn.
Description: Some players had problems finding the guy and I think this will help better.

4. Suggestion: Hoverboards and Skateboards
Description: Skateboards will be cheap but a slightly faster than the regular walkspeed. Hoverboards will be significantly faster than regular player speed but will be costly.

5. Suggestions: Increase the prop limit (Current is 31 as of 1/13/19)
Description: Increasing the prop limit to at least 50 - 70 will help add more interesting bases to the game and also help with future building contests.

6. Suggestion: Multiple Order Managers around the map
Description: At least 3 more OMs around the corners of the map to keep activity of the delivery boy up.

7. Suggestion: Get rid of the bubble and keep ghosting
Description: Give everyone on death no-colide through players and entities in order to avoid RP disruption.
