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Question Thread

1. Is Donor Admin still going to be a thing purchasable?

2. Are we going to use the credit system we had previously?

3. How much is VIP and Donor going to cost? Same previously?

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Head Management
1. Is Donor Admin still going to be a thing purchasable?
The plan is to not have donor admin. Silver members will have ulx votekick and Gold members will have ulx votekick and ulx voteban. These commands can only be ran while there's no admin online.

2. Are we going to use the credit system we had previously?

3. How much is VIP and Donor going to cost? Same previously?
There will be three ranks. Member, Silver Member, and Gold Member. Member is a free. Silver will be $5/month, and Gold will be $10/month. We'll probably have permanent purchase prices too at $25 and $50.
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1. Is Donor Admin still going to be a thing purchasable?
The plan is to not have donor admin. Silver members will have ulx votekick and Gold members will have ulx kick and ulx voteban. These commands can only be ran while there's no admin online.

2. Are we going to use the credit system we had previously?

3. How much is VIP and Donor going to cost? Same previously?
There will be three ranks. Member, Silver Member, and Gold Member. Member is a free. Silver will be $5/month, and Gold will be $10/month. We'll probably have permanent purchase prices too at $25 and $50.
Love it, thanks.
1. Is Donor Admin still going to be a thing purchasable?
The plan is to not have donor admin. Silver members will have ulx votekick and Gold members will have ulx votekick and ulx voteban. These commands can only be ran while there's no admin online.
This opens up a window for abuse... if these commands are abused what will the process of punishing the offending player be similar to the old donor admin guidelines?
This opens up a window for abuse... if these commands are abused what will the process of punishing the offending player be similar to the old donor admin guidelines?
It can't be abused too hard. You'd have to have the majority of the server on to agree with you that the guy has to get banned which isn't a huge stretch considering popular people with friends will just ban ppl because they can but if this happens, obviously it'd get taken away.
