Roleplay Name: Jack Nigs
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45493970
Age: 19
Do you have a microphone? Yes, blue yeti
What timezone are you in? CST
What times are you active on the server? Usually anytime after 4pm, weekends are open, available almost all day on weekends
How long have you been playing TDRP? I played back in the day, around 2013. I heard from a buddy it was getting rebooted and thought it would be fun to try it out again—turns out its pretty fun
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects.
I used to be a staff member for years on PlasmaGaming, I had climbed through almost all the ranks on that DarkRP server to the point where I was offered to buy out the server. Before that, I had been admin/mod on a couple of other servers. I'm familiar with ULX and the menu that's with it. I enjoy the administrative part of DarkRP just as much as playing the actual game. I am also heavily committed once I obtain an administrative role. This server reboot alone has sparked most of what I like about playing gmod
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45493970
Age: 19
Do you have a microphone? Yes, blue yeti
What timezone are you in? CST
What times are you active on the server? Usually anytime after 4pm, weekends are open, available almost all day on weekends
How long have you been playing TDRP? I played back in the day, around 2013. I heard from a buddy it was getting rebooted and thought it would be fun to try it out again—turns out its pretty fun
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects.
I used to be a staff member for years on PlasmaGaming, I had climbed through almost all the ranks on that DarkRP server to the point where I was offered to buy out the server. Before that, I had been admin/mod on a couple of other servers. I'm familiar with ULX and the menu that's with it. I enjoy the administrative part of DarkRP just as much as playing the actual game. I am also heavily committed once I obtain an administrative role. This server reboot alone has sparked most of what I like about playing gmod
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