Search results

  1. Kwoon

    Suggestion list for Tim

  2. Kwoon

    InfaredInk's T-mod Application

    Put more time into this and I will look at this later.
  3. Kwoon

    Denied DC The Destroyer Moderator Application

    Try to be more active and get involved within the community. Re-apply in 2 weeks. Denied
  4. Kwoon

    Lieutenant Dan Application for Mod

    Put more effort into this and add some colors too. I will look at this later.
  5. Kwoon

    Pending Justinrtm's Application

    You are somewhat active and overall a really nice player to have on the server. For the time being, we will monitor closely in game to determine the best outcome of your application. Pending
  6. Kwoon

    Pending Ethan's Application

    You are active and seem to know the rules. I have run into you a couple times in game before and you're overall a chill guy. We will monitor you closely to determine the best outcome. Pending
  7. Kwoon

    Denied Staff Application

    Try to be more active and get involved within the community. Re-apply in 2 weeks. Denied
  8. Kwoon

    Denied Maks staff app

    Try to be more active and get more involved within the community. Re-apply within 2 weeks. Denied
  9. Kwoon

    Denied Doctor Mobuis Application

    Try to be more active and get involved more within the community and re-apply within 2 weeks. Denied
  10. Kwoon

    Accepted Koala overlord

    You have improved majorly and have helped us out a lot lately. Plus you were a Staff before and it doesn't hurt to give you a chance. Accepted
  11. Kwoon

    Denied SpongeGob

    SpongeGob is a great staff. He's the most active and claimed the most sits. I do get that this does looks bad but I really think that this is a misunderstanding. Although SpongeGob dug himself in a whole because of his advert. Out of the 5 people that got killed, no one reported SpongeGob for...
  12. Kwoon

    Accepted iM So mIlKy's Application

    Very nice guy, and very active. Seem to know the rules and everything. Doesn't hurt to give you a chance. Accepted
  13. Kwoon

    Accepted Dunny (Deezial) Staff Application

    You are somewhat active, very nice guy and every time I see you in game. You don't do anything bad beside RPing and doing what you're supposed to do. Accepted
  14. Kwoon

    Locked SpongeGob - Moderator - Strike 1

    Offender's Name: SpongeGob Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:24201739 Strike #: 1 Reason: Unprofessional-ism. Evidence:
  15. Kwoon

    Accepted SpongeGob

    Although this is somewhat of a minor issue but @SpongeGob was already warned multiple time before. This will be his first strike for unprofessional-ism. Although @Natemank, if I hear you bringing up anyone irl stuff again. I will perm you for DOXXing. Accepted
  16. Kwoon

    Denied World Star's T-Mod Application

    Good guy, loves to massrdm and do dumb stuff on the server. I would love to give you a chance of becoming a staff member. Denied
  17. Kwoon

    Denied Tenpenny Management Appy

    Add more details to this. Make this appealing to the eyes and I will take a look at this later.
  18. Kwoon

    Denied Peanuts staff application

    Be more active on the server and re-apply within 1 week. Denied
  19. Kwoon

    Denied Noigegger Bubbles's Application

    Be more active on the server and re-apply within 1 week. Denied
