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Denied Peanuts staff application

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Roleplay Name: Peanut
SteamID :STEAM_0:0:441737469
Age: 12
Do you have a microphone? yes (kind of bad though)
What timezone are you in? pacific standars time (PST)
What times are you active on the server? im normally active 4 to 9pm on weekdays and 8AM to 12PM on weekends
How long have you been playing TDRP? i currently have about 1 hour on the server but i will start playing alot more because i like it and i want to become a moderator
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects. Yes i am currently and admin on a small server called TornRP
and i am a moderator. im bad with choosing how long to ban people but im really good with helping players with problems.

thank you for reviewing my application and i hope it is aproved
You need way more play-time before even being considered, my man. Get your hours up and make your application less bare.

DENIED. Reapply in two weeks.
Please refrain from confusing players by denying their application without permission. The only members currently permitted to accept or deny members are Kwoon, and Tim.
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