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  1. MuslimJesus

    Accepted Africompton's Application

    1+ bought my Gang's blunts for a decent amount of cash, he's pretty chill
  2. MuslimJesus

    Accepted Jack's appliaction

    +1 He likes to mess around a lot, but whenever I've encountered him he seems pretty chill, and alright
  3. MuslimJesus

    Adding drones.

    They're awesome, I hope they don't cause any performance issues, they're really fun to fly around and stuff.
  4. MuslimJesus

    Adding drones.

    Also no one really raids and raiding isn't really worth the effort, so it's kinda boring, just be something to play with when I'm looking for things to do
  5. MuslimJesus

    Adding drones.

    Currently there's a lacking of fun things to do when you rack up a decent amount of money, and I've seen some pretty neat things over my years in Garry's Mod, one of the funniest things I think a Garry's mod server has added was drones. They're not only good for recon to attack mega bases, but...
  6. MuslimJesus

    Update 1/15/19

    Such a simple and lovely update! Happy Printers are now worth it for the afk money!
  7. MuslimJesus

    Accepted WOah MassRDM, Prop Spam, etc

    I can agree. This was a major issue Allahu Akbar was also prop blocking. The SWAT were on a massive RDMing spree.
  8. MuslimJesus

    Buffing Money Printers

    Topic: The Money Printers need a buff. Why? I had about four printers, and I was running the delivery job, by the time I gathered around 10-15k in cash all four of my printers made 2.4k eachish, now this would be fine and stuff but it was way over 10ish minutes and the printers are absurdly...
  9. MuslimJesus

    Accepted Muslim Jesus's Mod Application

    Roleplay Name:Muslim Jesus SteamID:STEAM_0:0:75946431 Age:19 Do you have a microphone? Yes, I have a blue yeti Microphone What timezone are you in? I'm in CST, however I usually play 7pm-1am What times are you active on the server? 7pm-1am How long have you been playing TDRP? Well over, 3-4...
  10. MuslimJesus

    Accepted This guy deserves a longer ban then 2 days, he was a major minge on the server

    Their Username:World Star Their SteamID (if known): Not sure What were they doing? First, he rdm'd me like 3 times, he racked up four warnings probably within two hours, he has loads of fucking reasons as shown but the Trial moderator was only able ban for two days. First he raided my base with...
