Currently there's a lacking of fun things to do when you rack up a decent amount of money, and I've seen some pretty neat things over my years in Garry's Mod, one of the funniest things I think a Garry's mod server has added was drones. They're not only good for recon to attack mega bases, but also great way to defend a base at the same time or the survey an area. It could also be cool for hitmen to get like a drone that has a sniper and adding a new element of a way to complete hits. Other things that they could be used for that would be fun, and I would totally host is Drone racing events for a prize money. I know the server is in beta, but that doesn't mean that we can't add some fun things to do. I'd personally be using one all the time, they don't have to be cheap so everyone can afford one.
I just want something to do while my printers are printing making me bank and to waste my money on as a money sink.
I just want something to do while my printers are printing making me bank and to waste my money on as a money sink.