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Civs, Crims, and Police NPC's

The Civs and Crims addons on the GMod store are an excellent way to boost the liveliness and user interaction of any DarkRP server. It adds several auto-generated NPC's to the game that have their certain actions.

Civs - Will mind their own business and walk around, will flee if attacked, if they witness an illegal activity happening they will report it to the authorities(CPs). They also drop RP cash when killed
Crims - There are two types. Pickpockets and thugs/muggers. The pickpockets will bump into you stealing RP cash from you and fleeing, while the thugs will try to attack and beat you up, (they only have hands as weapons), sometimes they will gang up on you and fight you all at once.
Police NPC - This is a DLC for the Civs addon, I actually have not used it yet, but from what I have read and seeing the success of the Civs and Crims I can imagine it would work well. There are CP NPC that will walk around looking for illegal activity (murder, shooting in public, etc.) and arrest you and may also try and find you if a Civ calls the police??

These are all excellent addons and very cheap too, it just makes the server feel more alive and more populated and gives it more of a roleplay experience.

This addon is even more awesome when paired with the two workshop addons:
Player & NPC Sound Overhaul 3 (100% Serious Edition)
Followers Mod

These two addons go hand in hand because it allows you to replace the default GMod and source sounds with way more realistic ones and lets you actually talk and interact with NPC's! The followers mod allows you to press "E" on an NPC and get them to follow you in a "squad" type deal. And they'll fight with you and try to protect you.


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Head Management
Have you experienced this one on another server before? How hard does it hurt server performance?
I am currently using it on my server, I have seen it on two other servers.I don't think it affects server performance too much because the addon comes with convars that allow you to limit the amount of NPCs that spawn in a specific area and that only generate when real players are around.
