Roleplay Name: Justinrtm
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59572155
Age: 18
Do you have a microphone? Yes a Blue Snowball
What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time
What times are you active on the server? 4Pm - 2am
How long have you been playing TDRP? I've seen the server reboot a couple of times with me playing anywhere from 20-30 hours on TDRP in total.
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects. I was once a head admin on Chronic RP (Now closed down) which was a good experience for me. The server was quite popular with there sometimes being 40 or more people on at a time. Apart from Garry's Mod i was a Moderator on a Minecraft server with 50 plus players. I'm fairly experienced with being staff.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59572155
Age: 18
Do you have a microphone? Yes a Blue Snowball
What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time
What times are you active on the server? 4Pm - 2am
How long have you been playing TDRP? I've seen the server reboot a couple of times with me playing anywhere from 20-30 hours on TDRP in total.
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects. I was once a head admin on Chronic RP (Now closed down) which was a good experience for me. The server was quite popular with there sometimes being 40 or more people on at a time. Apart from Garry's Mod i was a Moderator on a Minecraft server with 50 plus players. I'm fairly experienced with being staff.
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