Roleplay Name: Shark
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77345465
Do you have a microphone? Yes
What timezone are you in? EST
What times are you active on the server? During the day (2pmish) and night
How long have you been playing TDRP? 4 years atleast
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects.
I have been a server admin on a previous version of TDRP and was donor admin a couple of times. During the dark times of Vel and Casia to Nota running the server into the ground. Other than TDRP no staff experience. I know a majority of the community and have been around long enough to know the ins and outs of the rules.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77345465
Do you have a microphone? Yes
What timezone are you in? EST
What times are you active on the server? During the day (2pmish) and night
How long have you been playing TDRP? 4 years atleast
Do you have any experience in being a staff member on a DarkRP server? If so, please explain your experience and past projects.
I have been a server admin on a previous version of TDRP and was donor admin a couple of times. During the dark times of Vel and Casia to Nota running the server into the ground. Other than TDRP no staff experience. I know a majority of the community and have been around long enough to know the ins and outs of the rules.
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