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Staff Consistency

I have noticed recently that many staff members have different views on the rules. One question may receive a different answer from each staff member. Some still think in terms of the old rules.

Obviously, this is a new server so you can't expect a perfect staff team. However, this issue can make things very confusing. One rule that is commonly cited by staff is the common sense rule. Each seems to have their own definition, and some use it to justify enforcing old server rules.

I want to make it clear that I am not complaining, and I am not speaking of any staff member in particular. I just think that the current staff teem lacks the unity neccessary to maintain consistent server administration. Don't get me wrong, I am quite sure that they are capable. Tim amd Kwoon have done well with their choices.

A good remedy for this would be a more detailed staff procedure list, and a quiz on the rules. I don't mean a quiz to see if they are qualified, I mean a quiz so that you can see where the discrepancies lie in rule interpretation. Then you can address the issue on an individual basis, working with each staff member to make sure that each has an understanding of the rules that aligns with that of the management and fellow staff.

Thats just my opinion. I could be full of shit.
I can see where you are coming from... like with the parkour class about raiding and stuff. Some admins said yeah they can raid but some said no. I like the idea of giving each a quiz to see what views they have so then there can be a clear cut on what can do what.
To be honest, the rules are lacking. To fix this the rules need to become more thorough and specific, then we wouldn't have this issues. Rules to be honest should be straight from the ones listed and what it says. If it's not listed then shouldn't be applied.
To be honest, the rules are lacking. To fix this the rules need to become more thorough and specific, then we wouldn't have this issues. Rules to be honest should be straight from the ones listed and what it says. If it's not listed then shouldn't be applied.
This is true, I know Tim said he doesn't want to have to have a wall of rules just for people to play the game and act decently, but if they aren't in place then people will bend them regardless.
I can see where you are coming from... like with the parkour class about raiding and stuff. Some admins said yeah they can raid but some said no. I like the idea of giving each a quiz to see what views they have so then there can be a clear cut on what can do what.
Tim himself has said Parkour isn't allowed to raid because it would be broken.


New member
Server Admin
To be honest, the rules are lacking. To fix this the rules need to become more thorough and specific, then we wouldn't have this issues. Rules to be honest should be straight from the ones listed and what it says. If it's not listed then shouldn't be applied.
the rules just need to be a quick baseline for aspects of the server, not a "detailed guide" on what you can and cant do

This is true, I know Tim said he doesn't want to have to have a wall of rules just for people to play the game and act decently, but if they aren't in place then people will bend them regardless.
the rules being "bent" isnt necessarily a bad thing, it allows people to show ingenuity to certain situations and allows creativity to flow much more than being forced into a regime of what you can and cant do

Tim himself has said Parkour isn't allowed to raid because it would be broken.
Parkourist -
  1. You may raid.
New enforced rules will be in Orange
Last edited: Friday at 3:28 PM
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the rules just need to be a quick baseline for aspects of the server, not a "detailed guide" on what you can and cant do

the rules being "bent" isnt necessarily a bad thing, it allows people to show ingenuity to certain situations and allows creativity to flow much more than being forced into a regime of what you can and cant do


mb didnt realize he updated them two days ago, it was like mid week last week tim said it would be broken if parkourists can raid but ig they can now

btw it is a bad thing that rules can be bent lol

if i wanna do the same thing you did then here

3. Don't attempt to bend the rules.
We definitely need to go through our rules and make sure nothing can be misinterpreted.
Thanks, Tim. I get the desire to just ban those who try to bend the rules by minging, so you use the common sense rule. However, for those of us that have no desire to break the server rules, the common sense rule is just a way for each staff member to impose their own interpretation of the rules of users.
+1 this happened alot in old tdrp aswell, i would get different replys from MAs and SAs on rules

"Hobos cannot be raided" Does this mean i can just farm printers in a hobo base??? Broken rule
