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Welcome Back

Hey Tim, not sure if you remember me but I used to be part of the TDRP community about 4 years ago.

I had to leave due to military commitments and I was happy/surprised to see that you guys are still active when I did a google search lol.

Anyways, I bought myself a new PC and I've been thinking about playing gmod again. And your server was the only reason why I played gmod so hopefully I get some time off and re-learn how to play this game via TDRP lol.



New member
Hey Tim, not sure if you remember me but I used to be part of the TDRP community about 4 years ago.

I had to leave due to military commitments and I was happy/surprised to see that you guys are still active when I did a google search lol.

Anyways, I bought myself a new PC and I've been thinking about playing gmod again. And your server was the only reason why I played gmod so hopefully I get some time off and re-learn how to play this game via TDRP lol.

*goes into coma in 2015*
*comes out in 2020*
Hey can't wait to play my favourite DarkRP server!
