I think the idea that I'm going to put in place is a simple command like /raid while looking at someones props/base/door.
Basically what will happen is your /raid command will be logged like this: "[timestamp] Timthefunnyman has started a raid on Kwoon.
-This will create a 10 minute timer for you. As per the rules, you can only raid up to 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes is up, you'll be alerted and it'll get logged like so: "[timestamp] Timthefunnyman's raid on Kwoon has ended, it has been 10 minutes."
-This will create a 10 minute cooldown before being able to raid again. This is also a rule.
-This will create a 20 minute cooldown before being able to raid that same person again. This is another rule.
-This command will be restricted to jobs that are allowed to raid as per our rules. So, if you're a gun dealer and you try to /raid. You'll be notified something like "You cannot raid as this class! Please read the server rules!"
-If the person you are trying to raid is a Hobo, you'll be notified that you cannot raid that class, as per the rules.
-If you raid the Police Department, again this will be logged and you will have 10 minutes. You'll have a 15 minute cooldown before being able to raid the PD.
In my mind, it'll be the most efficient way to handle any and all raiding rules. Instead of making sure people are following written rules, it'll be enforced through a simple command. If people don't follow it, they'll be warned and punished accordingly.
How's that sound?