Search results

  1. Tim

    The Transport Truck

    A unique system to tdrp, the transport truck is our first way to find loot in-game. The transport truck is exactly what it sounds like, it's a cargo truck that spawns in-game randomly every 50-80 minutes. You'll be alerted in chat when the truck spawns with the following message: "[INTEL] A...
  2. Tim

    Staff Consistency

    We definitely need to go through our rules and make sure nothing can be misinterpreted.
  3. Tim

    Update 1/16/19

  4. Tim

    Update 1/16/19

    -Delivery Boy package no longer falls off. The RDMing was getting out of hand for this class. -Added Medical Unit entities to the PD. -Swat and Swat Leader now require a job vote before joining. -Upped payment on Meth. (Make sure you're buying gas filters when producing meth! You'll lose up to...
  5. Tim

    Adding drones.

    I downloaded the addon off the workshop. These are actually pretty cool. We'll see if we can do anything with these and if they'll cost us any sort of performance.
  6. Tim

    Increase startout money / remove nlr bubble?

    I'm going to have a coder check this out and see if we can resolve this.
  7. Tim

    Meth is broken

    I upped the payment for meth by $2. Note that this is $7 PER GRAM of meth. If you do everything correctly, you should be yielding about ~1100 grams of meth per batch. Make sure you're installing a filter, as this will yield a much lower amount of meth if you don't. You should be doubling your...
  8. Tim

    Increase startout money / remove nlr bubble?

    Even after today?
  9. Tim

    Update 1/15/19

    A few more adjustments -Mayor is now demoted on death. -Added Fast Zombie job.
  10. Tim

    Weapon Upgrades Idea

    Message me on Steam.
  11. Tim

    Changes to SWAT

    What if we required them to be CP first? Like how the Chief is.
  12. Tim

    Weapon Upgrades Idea

    That's one of my goals this time. We need to put helpful information in front of new players so they aren't completely clueless and miss out on potential gameplay. I'm definitely looking for someone who has some time that's interesting in typing up helpful tutorials.
  13. Tim

    Weapon Upgrades Idea

    To add to grind of wanting the best possible thing, I thought about a simple weapon upgrade system and was wondering what you guys thought of this: What if we could upgrade any weapon in-game based on these stats: -Damage -Recoil -Clipsize Every weapon in-game has a number assigned to one of...
  14. Tim

    Denied Tekkat Mod Application

  15. Tim

    Update 1/15/19

    -Lowered cost of printer ink and repair part to $250. -Increased the printing amount for each printer. -Changed GT Awards menu to F9 to allow job voting with F7. -Added shotguns to the gun dealer. (whoops!) -Police, Swat, and Overwatch classes are restricted from dropping their weapons...
  16. Tim

    2 Suggestions (Quality of Life Changes)

    Fixed the F7 keybind. As for props, what if we created a command like !pc and it'll respond with "Props Spawned: 10/50" in chat?
  17. Tim

    Sewer base

    Go for it.
  18. Tim

    Increase startout money / remove nlr bubble?

    As others have mentioned, starting money is fine. It prevents immediate minging. It's not very difficult to start generating cash. As for the NLR bubble, I want to continue using it a bit longer to see what we can do to make something better. There needs to be a way to enforce NLR without...
  19. Tim

    Buffing Money Printers

    I just lowered the cost of ink and repair part to $250 and gave each printer a small bump in printing dollars per minute.
  20. Tim

    Battering ram doing absolutely NOTHING

    Once we introduce prop health, CP will have a special tool to replace the battering ram. For now, technically, the effects have been disabled.
