These are suggestions I believe would help the server grow and retain a player base. I do not expect all suggestions to be good just ideas to be thrown around. Feel free to post some suggestions in the comments and I'll add them 
New Job Suggestions
New Job Suggestions
- A Terrorist Class, for those who have a killing urge and want an excuse to cause havoc.
- Rules: 5-10min terror time, must advert Praise Allah, Allah Akbar, or something that slightly resembles something a terrorist would say.
- Priest, just for those who want to scream about something holy like our lord and saviour harambe. (Potentially the bible swep that you can throw at people and say the power of christ compels you
- Hotel/Motel Manager that can rent out rooms and stuff for people to live in the return for protection,ect.
- Miner to add another source of income
- Rebel group(Anarchists?), that forcuses on overthrowing the government (Only allowed to kill government officals and they're kos by government)
- Movie Theater Manager (Add a youtube screen thingy so we can have movie nights in game)
- Rapist
- Brewer for making alcohol
- Fight Club (Maybe something to organize bets on individual people too)
New Addons/Additions Suggestions
-Cars or boats
-More Guns that are fun to use.
-More tactical equipment, like cloaking tools and stuff
-Increase money for holding a gang territory.
-Gang wars (Where one gang can declare war on another making them KOS eachother)
-Move drug NPCs potentially in the sewers, so the sewer monsters get more people to attack and kill.
-When a sewer monster kills someone a small payout should be given
-Custom made gambling machines for like hobos and stuff to run. (Making it easier to make a wheel and stuff to spin)
-RCXD Suicide Cars
-Dumpsters that hobos can scavenge random items from
-Tasers for police
-Coin Flip
-Black Jack Table in casino with chips
-Chess/Connect Four games to play and bet against eachother
-Prop Increase
Unique Event Suggestions
-Zombie survival occasionally hosted by admins (Each zombie kill gives 100 or so dollars maybe more)
-Hide and Seek?
-Movie Night
-Cars or boats
-More Guns that are fun to use.
-More tactical equipment, like cloaking tools and stuff
-Increase money for holding a gang territory.
-Gang wars (Where one gang can declare war on another making them KOS eachother)
-Move drug NPCs potentially in the sewers, so the sewer monsters get more people to attack and kill.
-When a sewer monster kills someone a small payout should be given
-Custom made gambling machines for like hobos and stuff to run. (Making it easier to make a wheel and stuff to spin)
-RCXD Suicide Cars
-Dumpsters that hobos can scavenge random items from
-Tasers for police
-Coin Flip
-Black Jack Table in casino with chips
-Chess/Connect Four games to play and bet against eachother
-Prop Increase
Unique Event Suggestions
-Zombie survival occasionally hosted by admins (Each zombie kill gives 100 or so dollars maybe more)
-Hide and Seek?
-Movie Night