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Muslim Jesus's List of potential stuff to add and to improve the server

These are suggestions I believe would help the server grow and retain a player base. I do not expect all suggestions to be good just ideas to be thrown around. Feel free to post some suggestions in the comments and I'll add them :)

New Job Suggestions
  1. A Terrorist Class, for those who have a killing urge and want an excuse to cause havoc.
    1. Rules: 5-10min terror time, must advert Praise Allah, Allah Akbar, or something that slightly resembles something a terrorist would say.
  2. Priest, just for those who want to scream about something holy like our lord and saviour harambe. (Potentially the bible swep that you can throw at people and say the power of christ compels you
  3. Hotel/Motel Manager that can rent out rooms and stuff for people to live in the return for protection,ect.
  4. Miner to add another source of income
  5. Rebel group(Anarchists?), that forcuses on overthrowing the government (Only allowed to kill government officals and they're kos by government)
  6. Movie Theater Manager (Add a youtube screen thingy so we can have movie nights in game)
  7. Rapist
  8. Brewer for making alcohol
  9. Fight Club (Maybe something to organize bets on individual people too)
New Addons/Additions Suggestions
-Cars or boats
-More Guns that are fun to use.
-More tactical equipment, like cloaking tools and stuff
-Increase money for holding a gang territory.
-Gang wars (Where one gang can declare war on another making them KOS eachother)
-Move drug NPCs potentially in the sewers, so the sewer monsters get more people to attack and kill.
-When a sewer monster kills someone a small payout should be given
-Custom made gambling machines for like hobos and stuff to run. (Making it easier to make a wheel and stuff to spin)
-RCXD Suicide Cars
-Dumpsters that hobos can scavenge random items from
-Tasers for police
-Coin Flip
-Black Jack Table in casino with chips
-Chess/Connect Four games to play and bet against eachother
-Prop Increase

Unique Event Suggestions
-Zombie survival occasionally hosted by admins (Each zombie kill gives 100 or so dollars maybe more)
-Hide and Seek?
-Movie Night

1,4 and 5 are horrible they are jus rdm classes. I like the fight club shits raw asf. Also 6 isn’t possible yet Bc gmod doesn’t have YouTube run through it but I think they are adding it back
-1 to Terrorist, Rapist, and Anarchist group - Just opens up more RDMs, at least the Hitmen are getting paid to do it. And rapist is just offensive.
-1 to #2 we have that its called a hobo, I've seen one read the entire Unibombers manifesto or something similar.
+1 to #3 on the old downtown map the whole hotel was owned by a job, it'd be cool because he could hire bodyguards, etc to protect the hotel.
+1 to #6 bring back cinema shit!
+1 to #8 old job was good.
+1 to Fight Club, we had an old system where you could place bets, choose their weapons, etc that was pretty great, do it again

-1 to Cars to much lag for whats in all reality, a small map
+1 we need more guns, add back the CSO/F weapon pack or whatever it was called.
-1 to the KOS gang wars, just because I am in a gang does not mean I wanna be RDM'd by the Toddler Gang everytime I'm on the street.
-1 to tazers, pretty sure we had them before, pretty sure they were cancer
+1 to blackjack, chess, connect4, maybe add checkers to

The rest after that is pretty good, nice list.
-1 to Terrorist, Rapist, and Anarchist group - Just opens up more RDMs, at least the Hitmen are getting paid to do it. And rapist is just offensive.
-1 to #2 we have that its called a hobo, I've seen one read the entire Unibombers manifesto or something similar.
+1 to #3 on the old downtown map the whole hotel was owned by a job, it'd be cool because he could hire bodyguards, etc to protect the hotel.
+1 to #6 bring back cinema shit!
+1 to #8 old job was good.
+1 to Fight Club, we had an old system where you could place bets, choose their weapons, etc that was pretty great, do it again

-1 to Cars to much lag for whats in all reality, a small map
+1 we need more guns, add back the CSO/F weapon pack or whatever it was called.
-1 to the KOS gang wars, just because I am in a gang does not mean I wanna be RDM'd by the Toddler Gang everytime I'm on the street.
-1 to tazers, pretty sure we had them before, pretty sure they were cancer
+1 to blackjack, chess, connect4, maybe add checkers to

The rest after that is pretty good, nice list.
Pretty good idea's +1
Yes we do smart ass. Wanna add more Rdm jobs? I’m all for it. Why don’t u get off ur ass and make a thread like this shark?
Lay off the weed, its affecting development within that brain of yours

I have made suggestions through Kwoon/Other suggestion threads like this one Here. My point is jobs like terrorist (Whether you like it or not) are a way to get people to play/Donate for more jobs which we are currently lacking
-Drones +1
-Cars or boats +1 on boats, no cars. maybe something like hoverboards or motorcycles, whichever is less performance
-More Guns that are fun to use. +1, more guns in gun dealer is deff needed...
-More tactical equipment, like cloaking tools and stuff Neutral unless you provide examples
-Increase money for holding a gang territory. -1, will definitely be abused during sleep where money will be farmed
-Gang wars (Where one gang can declare war on another making them KOS eachother) Neutral, would like to some sort of variation of gang wars but don't think RDM wars is very productive
-Move drug NPCs potentially in the sewers, so the sewer monsters get more people to attack and kill. +1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sewer monster is so useless rofl
-When a sewer monster kills someone a small payout should be given -1 if it comes from their wallet, if so- if killed by sewer monster they should also drop payout so it's equally fair
-Custom made gambling machines for like hobos and stuff to run. (Making it easier to make a wheel and stuff to spin) -1. no
-RCXD Suicide Cars -1 no
-Dumpsters that hobos can scavenge random items from +1, mentioned b4
-Tasers for police -1
-Coin Flip -1
-Unboxing neutral, usually hate this overused public ass addon but it could do some great outside of my personal hatred
-Black Jack Table in casino with chips sure
-Fishing yeah, there's a addon on gmodstore already and i dont see many servers use. it also could help replace drug runner as the only source of income with equal payout because making drugs is fuckin boring and 2 expensive
-Chess/Connect Four games to play and bet against eachother +1
-Prop Increase neutral, idk prop limit but seems fine

in conclusion, some decent suggestions but they could affect performance which is the opposite tim/kwoon want..
but think of it like this

performance or content, tim? bcoz performance is not winning..
